Safety Heroes

By Staff / March 13, 2020 / 0 Comments

Experts agree on this point: when it comes to safety, the film and TV industry has been complacent for too long. In the 1980s, if filmmakers needed to capture the majesty of the Cabrillo Highway in California’s stunning Big Sur region, they would find camera operators willing to hang out of an open helicopter, one arm […]

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Handheld Filming in Vehicles

By Staff / February 12, 2020 / 1 Comment

More information about free driving can be found at here.

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Why We Fight – Local 600 on the Political Trail

By Staff / January 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

When Local 600 recently sent a survey to members inquiring about their interest and involvement in politics, we weren’t asking simply out of idle curiosity. Those survey results will be reviewed and considered as the local sets its goals for 2020. Local 600 takes politics seriously, to the point where delegates travel to Washington, D.C., […]

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Spotlight: NYU Professor Ted Wachs

By Staff / January 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

Earlier in his life, Ted Wachs had his heart set on a career as a professional skier. Looking back on what he calls “an extreme time,” Wachs recalls working hard, but laments not working smarter. “I broke a lot of bones and got a lot of stitches,” Wachs said recently. “To be honest, it was […]

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Spotlight: Andres Lugo

By Staff / January 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

Part of Andres Lugo’s work as the 2018 Sarah Jones Opportunity recipient was a stint as a camera utility on the CW series “Legacies.” That assignment is fitting, since anybody who takes the opportunity bearing Jones’ name is carrying on the legacy of the camera assistant who lost her life in a senseless filming accident […]

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From Emerging to Industry Success

By Staff / January 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

Over the last 23 years, the International Cinematographers Guild has showcased the outstanding work of selected members at its annual Emerging Cinematographers Awards (ECA). The recognition can act as an invaluable boost to the careers of those who win, propelling them right into the director of photography’s chair–or at least affording the opportunity. Where other […]

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Spotlight: Vinnie Galindez

By Staff / December 30, 2019 / 0 Comments

The career of Vinnie Galindez perfectly captures the strength of union brotherhood and sisterhood. Galindez first joined Local 600 in March of 1981 and worked as a trainee, learning the ropes of being a loader, focus puller and finally, in 1998, a camera operator on the movie “Bringing Out the Dead.” “On my two films […]

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Meet Eastern Region Business Rep Anna Nowlan

By Staff / December 30, 2019 / 0 Comments

Anna Nowlan received a primer on the importance of workers standing together in solidarity early on in life. Born in El Salvador to a family living in poverty, she witnessed her parents’ struggle to provide for their children and their subsequent participation in the labor movement, becoming community activists in the 1980s to fight for […]

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Following the Next Wave

By Staff / December 30, 2019 / 1 Comment

When traveling the country several times each year to attend trade shows, conventions or festivals, Local 600 Business Rep Michael Chambliss is on a mission to promote members’ expert skills and secure new work in emerging technologies. As Local 600’s Production Technology Following the Next Wave – Local 600 Stays at the Forefront of Developing […]

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